Monday, September 08, 2014

Foods for great skin

I have always been fascinated in how the body reacts to the food we consume.  Different foods have properties that benefit internal organs and physical appearance more than others.  Since becoming a vegetarian and being aware of what is going into my body, I have noticed a change in my skin. 

Many of my friends and family ask me what face creams and anti-wrinkle serums I use Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion SPF 15 a few times a week. But specifically I watch what I eat and understand the benefits of each food.  I swear by a few foods that make my skin look so healthy and rejuvenated.  Here are my favorite foods that keep me looking youthful and have healthy skin.

 Here are my favorite foods that keep me looking youthful and have healthy skin.

•    The Kiwi is my favorite fruit because it is packed with vitamin C and stimulates collagen synthesis which keeps skin tight and smooth fine lines.  I notice less dryness and fewer wrinkles when I consume a diet high in vitamin C.

•    Berries have anti-inflammatory agents and vitamins that help protect against premature aging.  They also are high in antioxidants and minimize the damage of free radicals in the skin that fuel wrinkle formation.  BONUS- Berries are also packed with vitamin C.

•    Edamame is a protein filled bean is also packed with collagen; keeping skin firm, youthful, and wrinkle free.  And did I mention, very delicious?

•    The Avocado is rich in protective antioxidants and essential fatty acids keep skin looking plump and smooth.  The “good fat” in avocado is not only beneficial to internal heath, but also replenishes the protective layer of fatty acids around skin cells.  It keeps moisture in the skin, preventing dryness and irritation.  And who doesn’t love a good avocado sandwich or for that matter face mask?

•    The orange hue of pumpkins are from carotenoids; wrinkle-fighting agents that neutralize free radicals in the skin.  It is also filled with vitamins C, E, and A, and powerful enzymes that work to cleanse the skin.  Don’t just make jack-o-lanterns this year, save a little for yourself.

From my previous posts, it is clear that I try to keep everything natural.  Keeping my skin tight and youthful is no exception.  Eating these foods and exercising help maintain a healthy body both inside and out.

Why not eat well and look great at the same time, give them a try!

Go Green and Stay Keen,


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