Showing posts with label environmentally friendly products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environmentally friendly products. Show all posts

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cringe Worthy hidden animal products

Do you really know what is in your foods?  When I was first learning about vegetarianism I was naïve to what was actually in my food.  I just assumed that if it wasn't the actually meat it was vegetarian.  When I am researching, I always make sure I have a tough stomach because some...

Monday, October 06, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dinner is served

It has been nearly 3 months since I planted my herb garden and the yields from it have been incredible.  I have been working on incorporating them into daily meals with the family.  The richness they bring to dishes is so unbelievable, I couldn’t keep it to myself, so I had to share it with...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Go Green at Home

Since becoming vegetarian and learning about all the toxins we freely accept throughout daily life, I have tried become more conscientious about using natural and environmentally friendly products in my home.  We don’t realize that the chemicals that are used in modern cleaner build up in homes...
