Showing posts with label going green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label going green. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Go Green at Home

Since becoming vegetarian and learning about all the toxins we freely accept throughout daily life, I have tried become more conscientious about using natural and environmentally friendly products in my home.  We don’t realize that the chemicals that are used in modern cleaner build up in homes...

Monday, August 08, 2016

Your Granola Fix with a Twist

I feel like everyone goes through phases with foods, whether it is loving it or hating it.  The good news is Liam has lost is last obsession…thank goodness, but my husband and I have been in quick the granola kick. There is nothing wrong with a little granola obsession for a while but making...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ditch Your Car, Ride Your Bike

I was looking for images on the web and came across an awesome infographic on Although, it was posted a couple years ago, it is still relevant and resonated with me.  It is titled, Why You Need to Stop Driving Your Car Right Now. I always try walking or riding my bike...

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Teach Recycling from the beginning

Ever since I was young my parents taught me how important it is to recycle and take care of our planet.  I believe that all parents want to leave the world a better place for their children after they are gone.  As my children grew up and learned about trash and where it goes, they also knew...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

History of Vegetarianism

Many people become vegetarian for religious, moral or ethical reasons.  I chose to become vegetarian for the moral and ethical reasons regarding the treatment of animals.  When first deciding to transform my lifestyle, learning how long vegetarianism has been around blew my mind.  Vegetarianism...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cringe Worthy hidden animal products

Do you really know what is in your foods?  When I was first learning about vegetarianism I was naïve to what was actually in my food.  I just assumed that if it wasn't the actually meat it was vegetarian.  When I am researching, I always make sure I have a tough stomach because some...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My favorite Meat Replacements

Yesterday at the restaurant I had a lovely conversation with a customer that had just converted to vegetarianism.  He dove in head first a month ago without any progression eliminating meat.  He told me he was feeling great so far but was having some serious meat cravings.  I know from...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Delicious Natural Ingredient Replacements

On Friday I went to a good friend’s house to meet up with the girls.  It was so nice, we all brought little hor d’oeuvres and chatted over wine.  They loved the tropical popcorn balls I brought and were amazed I used agave nectar instead of honey and they tasted so good. (find the recipe below!) As...

Monday, October 06, 2014

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

World Vegetarian Day…YAY

Happy World Vegetarian day and the start of Vegetarian Awareness Month!  Obviously, October is one of my favorite months where I let my veggie flag fly high.  World Vegetarian Day and Vegetarian Awareness Month can be celebrated by everyone, vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. In...

Thursday, September 04, 2014

National Mushroom Month

Happy National Mushroom Month! It is the best time of the year, mushrooms are so abundant and it is my excuse to use them this month as much as I can!  Mushrooms have such a unique taste and distinctive texture that makes them wonderful to cook with.  Some people are mushroom “haters” and...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Healthy School Lunches

The carefree days of summer are over and my kids have begun another school year.  They are already wining about the early mornings and getting ready…parents I know you know what I mean.  Back to school time is such an exciting time for kids, they are ready to see their friends, make new ones...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Go Green at Home

Since becoming vegetarian and learning about all the toxins we freely accept throughout daily life, I have tried become more conscientious about using natural and environmentally friendly products in my home.  We don’t realize that the chemicals that are used in modern cleaner build up in homes...
